The Mystique of Aquila: A Place We Visited

We visited the Aquila Game Reserve to view the iconic "Big 5" animals of Africa. However, Aquila also offered a unique opportunity to go on a "safari of the sky." The views of the night sky from parts of Africa are legendarily spectacular. Aquila's location made such a viewing possible, and they even made an expert in astronomy available to take us through a celestial safari. 

We did that! We learned that "aquila" is a constellation of stars creating an eagle. The Eagle has a give and take relationship with nature, never taking more than needed. As a student from America, we have the perspective of the outside looking in. We watch nature closely thinking we are solving our problems, but our relationships with the Earth is that we take more than needed. 

Here in Aquila, we could identify with the Eagle flying above becoming one with the Earth. As Eagles, we are equals with animals, trees, and mountains. Being surrounded by the immensity of the African lanscape, and the constellations, you feel a oneness with nature. 

 Adalyssa H

